Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nutrition Part 1

Nutrition affects everyone in all walks of life, educational level and socioeconomic class. Society today is accustomed to receiving information about nutrition from magazines articles, newspapers and TV commercials/documentaries. 

Today I was asked to talk about the topic of nutrition for the foster grandparents. I decided to present Part 1 to include the basics of nutrition and Part 2 to explain how to read labels. 

I presented Part 1 today to 8 foster grandparents at their department meeting. The Power Point presentation covered:

·       *  Eat this …not that- advertisements used by the media.
·      *  Risk factors for overweight or obesity
·      *  Define carbohydrates, proteins, fat and alcohol including examples of each.
·      *  Beverages
·    *    Daily caloric intake requirements based on age, gender and degree of activity
·    *    Food journaling.
·   *     Portion size.

What I found most interesting in the discussion today was the eating habits of these octogenarians were so affected by the era in which they were raised. These women all experienced the great depression when food was not only scarce but rationed. Much of the audience was not fans of meat as it was a rare commodity to eat growing up. They talked about having wild meat such as squirrel, wood chucks and turkey to eat. They enjoy fruits and vegetables that they had in their gardens and referred to “canning everything”.

I also gave them an overview of the proper way to approach dieting with eating 3,500 calories less to lose one pound of weight. These women are fairly active in their lifestyles and asked great questions. 

Again I enjoyed the time I spent with them helping discuss nutrition and how important it is to eat right to maintain health. I look forward to enlightening them on label reading for Part 2.


1 comment:

  1. Cindy-I wish I could have viewed your presentation, it sounds great! Vonnie
