Tuesday, June 24, 2014

seizures -Part II

Hello to all,
I continued my presentation today on the signs and symptoms of seizure disorders. The foster grandparents have a vested interest in seizures as they accompany many individuals to activities that have underlying seizure disorders. They were very anxious to learn their role if they were with a patient and a seizure started. We talked about first aid and the importance of getting immediate medical attention.

The suggestion that was shared with them was to look at your watch when you think the individual is seizuring and call for help. I stressed the role of a non medical person with seizure disorders.

The foster grandparents have a nice collaborative effort amongst the group. They are very aware of each foster grandparents schedule and individuals they assist.

I answered all of their questions and asked for more topics of interest. They laughed and said they needed to know more about nutrition and what is a healthy snack. Most of the audience is fairly active and likes to be informed about health foods.

I told them I would be glad to discuss nutrition with a focus on healthy choices. So at their next meeting I will bring healthy and non healthy snacks and test their knowledge.

They are a very interactive audience and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them.

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