Friday, March 14, 2014

First Service Learning

Hello to all,
I met with the coordinator of the foster grandparents program at Central Wisconsin Center. We discussed my desire to do my service learning to help support the foster grandparents. The national program requirements mandates that the center offer an educational topic on a monthly basis. The coordinator was very pleased to have me offer my services to provide an educational topic at their monthly meetings.. I started by meeting with the foster grandparents and conducted a needs survey. I formulated a list of topics that they identified as wanting to learn more about. The topics included diabetes, exercise with physical limitations, nutrition including healthy snacks and cooking for one person. The foster grandparents consist of 5 ladies aging from 62-75. A long time grandmother that provided service to the patients at the center for the last 15 years passed away last week. I will help plan a memorial service at the center for this foster grandmother. She was 82 years old and came to the center twice a week for 15 years. The staff and patients will sorrowfully miss her.

My first educational session will be discussing metabolic syndrome including a definition, signs and symptoms and implications for treatment interventions. I plan to use a screening tool that the foster grandparents will complete to start the discussion.

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