Friday, March 14, 2014

Second Educational Session - Arthritis

Hello to all, 

I did my second session of service learning for the Foster grandparents at Central Wisconsin Center. At my last educational session I asked the grandparents what health topic they would like me to help them understand. They had decided they would like to know more about joints as one of the ladies has a "bad knee". I decided to do a presentation on arthritis.

I decided to give an overview of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as both could be applicable to this audience. I discussed the difference between the two types of arthritis including x-rays of healthy and diseased joints.

I discussed the different treatment modalities, medications and supplements plus the importance of being able to accurately describe joint pain/discomfort. I talked about exercises to keep joints mobile yet not over doing exercise that may stress joints.

I outlined proper nutrition for a joint inflammatory condition called gout. The ladies had either themselves had gout or knew someone who has this disease.

The general consensus of the group was that they get sufficient exercise pushing wheel chairs for the residents to activities and outings throughout the center. I agree that these ladies are very active for their age. They seem very comfortable asking questions. They are used to my informal teaching style and openly share their medical history. They appear to be a copasetic group of volunteers. The Director of the program joined us and had a few questions of her own.

After the first presentation when I met these ladies in the hallway they spoke and call me by name. I find it interesting as some people half their age can't remember names. I really enjoy sharing health topics with these ladies that are providing such a great service for the individuals that live at Central Wisconsin Center.


Educational Session - Metabolic Syndrome

Good morning, 
I met with the foster grandparents for my first educational session yesterday. The foster grandparents group at CWC consists of 7 ladies ages 60-73. They provide companionship for individuals that live at the center 24-30 hours per week.

I discussed metabolic syndrome with providing a definition, risk factors, diagnostic tests and suggested healthy lifestyle changes. We also completed, as a group a self-assessment tool for developing type 2 diabetes including measuring their waist circumference.
This group of ladies was very attentive and asked several questions focusing on their own health. They talked about how they interpreted lab result, monitored their blood pressure and blood sugars on a regular basis and tried to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.

It appeared to me that this group of woman were not only providing a service for CWC residents but were a great source of social support group for each other. They had provided food for a luncheon immediately following my presentation. They invited me to join them for lunch and thanked me for all the great information I had shared. I told them it was my pleasure and would be providing education at their monthly meetings. They gave me additional ideas on topics they would like to know more about.

I thoroughly enjoyed the time that I spent with the foster grandparents and look forward to our next presentation. In epidemiology we are studying middle aged/older population with health care concerns. This is so timely. Next month I will discuss how arthritis affects joints with strategies to stay mobile. Thanks……Cindy

First Service Learning

Hello to all,
I met with the coordinator of the foster grandparents program at Central Wisconsin Center. We discussed my desire to do my service learning to help support the foster grandparents. The national program requirements mandates that the center offer an educational topic on a monthly basis. The coordinator was very pleased to have me offer my services to provide an educational topic at their monthly meetings.. I started by meeting with the foster grandparents and conducted a needs survey. I formulated a list of topics that they identified as wanting to learn more about. The topics included diabetes, exercise with physical limitations, nutrition including healthy snacks and cooking for one person. The foster grandparents consist of 5 ladies aging from 62-75. A long time grandmother that provided service to the patients at the center for the last 15 years passed away last week. I will help plan a memorial service at the center for this foster grandmother. She was 82 years old and came to the center twice a week for 15 years. The staff and patients will sorrowfully miss her.

My first educational session will be discussing metabolic syndrome including a definition, signs and symptoms and implications for treatment interventions. I plan to use a screening tool that the foster grandparents will complete to start the discussion.